2 Billion People are Waiting to Hear What You Know
(Written by Bertram Inglesmit)
Why should you hear twice when 2 Billion people have not heard once?
Imagine a party in a large hall. Everyone is excited, and then the food starts to come. The servers deliver just about all the food to the front third of the hall. That’s OK, because the food has to be given somewhere, right?
Then more food arrives, and just about all of it goes to the front again. The people in the back can be a bit patient, right?
Then more food arrives, and once again most of it goes to the front. Some of the people in the front say that they are full, and don’t need to eat anymore. Others say that they don’t like the food anyway.
But what about the people in the back? Virtually no one has gotten something to eat. How can anyone blame them if they eat what’s available even if it is poisonous and foul tasting?
This is what is happening in the world today. It is estimated that 2 billion people have never heard the name of Jesus. Above that that there are a large number that have not heard enough of the gospel to make a meaningful choice for or against Him. Instead, they serve religions based on empty promises and meaningless works. The devotion of so many people to these religions leads us into pity – there we would go if God had not released us.
And yet 99 percent of missions budgets are allocated to peoples that have already been reached. Clearly there are people groups that have been neglected in our efforts to bring the Good News to all people.
What can we do about this situation?
Firstly, we need to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38) If there are no workers, then how will the world be reached with the love of Jesus? (Read All Nations Cape Town’s newsletter to hear about the work going on in order to know better how to pray — scroll down to the bottom of the page at www.all-nations.co.za in order to sign up.)
Maybe God is calling you… (In which case you will need training. Consider our CPx training: https://all-nations.co.za/cpx)
Secondly, we need to support the workers in the harvest by means of any assistance they may need. Make contact with them and be there for them. Find out how it is going and send them encouraging messages. Offer practical help when they return to their home country.
Thirdly, provide financial support to organizations and individuals that are working with unreached people groups. You could consider making a donation to All Nations – see here.
For more information, there are many books and web sites. A good starting place is https://joshuaproject.net/resources/articles/has_everyone_heard
Finally, God has shown His love for all peoples: John records in Revelation 7:9 that he saw “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”
Two billion people have never heard of Jesus. Will you reach out to them and bring them hope and eternal life?