The values that drive ANCT’s Hub Team

At the beginning of 2019, All Nations Cape Town went through a restructuring process. We consolidated several teams that had been working here at the hub into one large team that now work together synergistically to support the function of the hub — that of mobilizing, training, sending and supporting workers in the harvest.

During the course of planning and creating this new hub team, we came up with a list of shared values that are core to who we are and what we do. Below is this list. Take a look. Does it resonate with you? Would you like to be part of our team with these values? If so, let’s talk!

Core Values of the Hub Team

·      Disciple-making movements among the neglected and unreached, unengaged people groups

·      Effective and ongoing training

·      Raising demographically local leaders

·      Inclusive, servant leadership expressing high trust and low control

·      Effective and transparent communication and listening to each other well

·      Ordinary people doing the job well, together

·      Living out our identity by abiding in, listening to, and obeying Jesus

·      2 Timothy 2:2 – discipleship and mentoring

·      Godly character development

·      Living out New Testament giftings

·      Adventure, sacrifice and taking risks for Jesus

·      The heart of a volunteer

·      Spirit-led community

·      Worship, prayer, and intercession

·      Preparing, sending and going

·      Sharing the Gospel passionately

·      Recruiting, mobilizing and networking

·      Being a spiritual family living in loving community

·      Being a part of a global family

·      Honouring all cultures


Finding strength on the journey


Bringing the Good News to the unreached in Malawi