CLx 2021 is on from

July 13-15

Catalyst Leadership Experience (CLx) is a training, coaching and connecting event aimed at anyone working cross-culturally for movement. It's focused on helping all of us more effectively raise local movement leaders alongside of serving, resourcing and equipping movements.  It will be ONLINE ONLY due to the current global pandemic. All times will be listed as Cape Town Time (SAST). 

•  Dates:  13–15 July 2021

•  Time:  Everyday from 9am – 3pm

•  Daily Schedule (please note that this might be further refined over the coming month): 

•  Session 1: 9:00am – 10:30am

•  Break

•  Session 2: 11:00am – 12:30pm

•  Lunch 

•  Session 3: 1:30pm – 3:00pm

We are very excited to introduce some of the catalytic teaching we have been developing at ANCT and we also look forward to learning from each of you that attends! Come ready to share and engage!

Please note: This event is targeted specifically at All Nations staff who have completed a CPx and are working cross-culturally. We are not currently opening it to the public. 

The Zoom link will be sent to all those that register. Register online today!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Brandon @