Answered prayer

Shadreck Chirwa is an All Nations Cape Town member in Malawi. He shares the Gospel with his countrymen through a variety of means and gathers those who are interested in learning about Jesus into groups called Discovery Bible Studies. Here he shares an encouraging story that happened recently:

One Discovery Bible Study I meet with has two older grandparents and a daughter in law. They are always waiting and ready when I arrive, and they invite many others to join.  Every time we read a story together, they can summarize the story very well. We always make “I will” statements about how we want to obey the scripture this week and then we hold each other accountable the next time we meet.

Once, they invited a young man named Saul to join. He was a high school drop-out from a poor family who struggled with drinking and violence. He joined the group and shared that he needed prayer to get a job. We prayed for him and trusted God together. The next time we met he was no longer there because he had found a job! He is now working as the cashier of a much larger shop and is getting income he can save to start up his own shop.  The family says he has changed from his ways of drinking and smoking and has become a humble man.

Praise God! Please pray with us for even more lives in Malawi transformed by the power of God!


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