Celebrating those who go into the harvest
By Julianna Jones
At All Nations Cape Town we love to celebrate and cheer on our members all over the world. While they are working hard in the harvest field, we share updates about them in Cape Town and pray for them regularly.
But when they come back for a visit, and we get to be with them in person? It’s a whole other level!
Last week one All Nations Cape Town couple who serves in Asia came to Cape Town for a visit. Our hub team celebrated them with snacks and hot drinks one morning at Africa House (pictured). It was such a pleasure to hear from their own mouths how they’ve been doing and what God has been teaching them over the past few years.
We also got to pray for them, hearing God’s heart for them and sharing encouragement with them. And then they led us in intercession for the country and community they have adopted. We could hear the love in their hearts as they spoke fondly of the local people they’ve invited into their home and lives.
We are so proud of this family who has said yes to Jesus, going to a place where Jesus is not yet worshipped. Pray with us for them, and for the Lord of the Harvest to send out more laborers into the fields there.
“And He was saying to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’”