Malawians reaching Malawi

At All Nations Cape Town, we long to see Jesus worshipped by all the peoples of the earth. We have seen the most effective way to do this is for a local person to be raised up as a leader to bring the Good News to a community of the same or similar culture. One of our favorite examples of this is Oliver and Rhoda Mpeta. This Malawian couple came to South Africa in 2007 for better work opportunities. They were already Christians, but had not been discipled. In Cape Town, they met Floyd McClung and Mike and Kalyn Arndt who started to disciple them and encouraged them to attend CPx in 2011.


Oliver and Rhoda visited Malawi on their CPx outreach and there they felt called to reach the Yawo. Although the Mpetas are from a different tribe, God told them to reach this unreached people group of Muslims. In 2012, they moved to Mangochi, Malawi, to begin full-time ministry to the Yawo. Signs and wonders marked their ministry and people were drawn to Jesus as a result.


“God gave us favor,” Rhoda said. “By his anointing, people were getting healed and free from demons, and it was not hard for us to talk about Jesus because they saw Jesus healing them, and we started disciple making.” There are now more than 100 house churches in the area!


The time in Mangochi was not without its challenges, especially with limited resources with which to do ministry. Oliver and Rhoda reached a turning point in 2018. They were introduced to Pioneer Business Planting training by Jonathan Fokker, who leads All Nations’ Business For Mission initiative. The Mpetas attended the 5-day Pioneer Business Training and then began to be coached by Jonathan in both business and ministry. This led to more financial sustainability as well as more intentional raising up of leaders for the work in Mangochi. There are now 12 local leaders.


That same year, God began speaking to Oliver and Rhoda about their apostolic calling, pointing their attention to the north. In 2019, they left the ministry in Mangochi in the hands of local leaders and moved north to Mzuzu Ekwendeni. There, they are reaching out to the Tumbuka tribe. The locals are receiving the Good News eagerly, and they have already raised up five leaders among this people who are reaching out to those around them.


Join us in praying for Oliver and Rhoda, as well as the leaders they are raising up. Pray for Holy Spirit anointing and that God would protect them. Pray also for provision, that they would be financially sustainable in their ministry and their personal monthly budget. 

Oliver and Rhoda Mpeta

Oliver and Rhoda Mpeta


Discipleship training in Mozambique


Lessons from the blind man who was healed by Jesus